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Company registration number


When a company registers itself with the registrar of companies, it gets a unique company registration number (CRN). The number is used to identify a company and verify its legal existence as an incorporated entity. The number is a unique combination of 8 numbers or 2 letters followed by 6 numbers. A company is issued with a company registration number (CRN) soon after company formation. The number will be printed on the certificate of incorporation and all the other official documents received from the ROC.
The number describes the type of company and its nature of business. The company registration number is also called CIN number which means the identification number that is used to identify the company in respect to its type, year of incorporation, type of industry, state of registration, registration numbers and many more. The company registration number is an amalgamation of several different attributes of the company.

The company registration number format is as follows:
• 1st digit: The first digit is L or U which means listed or unlisted company.
• Next 5 digits: The next 5 digits show the industry to which the company belongs to.
• Next 2 digits: The next 2 digits depict the state to which the company has been registered to. The state code tags with the company after it has been registered. For example, DH for Delhi, MH for Maharashtra and so on.
• Next 4 digits: The next 4 digits depict the year when the company has been registered or incorporated. It is the year of incorporation when it has been formed under the New Companies Act 2013.
• Next 3 digits: From these 3 digits, one can easily know if it is a public limited company or private limited company. The branch office of a foreign company is depicted by FTC.
• Last 6 digits:These 6 digits are an ROC number issued by the ROC during registration of the company.

It is important for a company to display their company registration number on all stationery including letterheads, faxes, emails, compliment slips, invoices, receipts, order forms, websites and other online material. There are many instances when you are required to use your CRN. You are required to provide your CRN when your register for corporation tax, VAT and PAYE. Just in case you cannot find your CRN, you cannot log on to the ROC website, insert your company details and find it.

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